
11 months ago

Madking's Alchemical Delta: The Ascent of the Tree of Life to Reach Your Holy Guardian Angel:
$2.99 Author Profits go to Empower Us Ministries for election integrity and animal rescue






Each arrow is an hour meditation. If you do them you'll dream like I do, It's a snapshot of heaven. They are labeled in phases so you can go back to get a fuller picture.

Phase Fifteen
→See that your desire may be deferred for your truer desire and this is part of the dance with the Holy guardian Angel.
→TE the Lady of White light representing the orchestration of mistakes for wisdom tells you to walk back to the light green platform aligned with the Tiwaz for the Enochian Giza T sound, before the dark blue platform before her white one
→TE walks down from her white glowing platform to the dark blue glowing platform become TA; a black angel with red braids who has a blue glowing ring on her right index finger
→TA tells you to step off the light green platform and back onto the ground
→TA walks down and becomes the hybrid angel T pronounced Tuh
→T explains that when that the angel on a platform that goes aligned with the runes in their pronunciation of the Angel language that a letter from the Pentagrammaton is added; and that Tiwaz aligns with Jupiter Gemini and therefore air and U; Therefore here name is TU pronounced ‘two’
→All the platforms and steps become much higher. The first step is over four meters off the ground; she tells you to learn to fly up as she floats to the next dark blue platform over four fourth meters up
→You fly up to the light green platform; now it's TA looking down at you telling you to catch up
→You fly up to the dark blue platform
→But now the platform and step, ascending over four meters in front of you is glowing red; not white
→You fly up to the red, glowing platform, and there is the Archseraph MIKAL, who tells you he is the real Tee, like the pronunciation of the English Tt which has the shape of the cross.
→And the next octave from Tee, through the blood is the TI (tie) that binds; and it is there you transcend this plane

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