403 forbidden Energy Vlog

1 year ago

403 Forbidden Energy Vlog title is from the Schumann Resonance Today Diesel closure site error that I got when I tried to access the site. Thus I pulled a major arcana for each of the data points, For the amplitude power I pulled #13 the Death Card with a transition or transformation. The Quality power card i pulled was #19 The Sun Card with its abundance expansiveness and warmth. The frequency average card was #5 the Hierophant card, the pope with his structure or a spiritual messenger. Therefore, we start with the Hierophant facing his eminent meeting with Death turns to the Sun/Son Yeshua for inspiration for his final spiritual message as the Hierophant.

The Space weather news site showed us a few PHI Angle flips The solar wind density was around eight protons hitting the detector. The wind speed was 480 Kilometers per second (KPS) so really space truckin. the solar wind temperature was around the 24,000 Kelvin. The KP index of geomagnetic activity was in the green zone through the day. We started at a level 2.75 for the first three hours of the day. For the next six hours we had an average of 1.75 , It then went to an average of 1.33, seven the chariot. From noon to three PM the average of Two. next three hours we went to 2.75. From six to nine it went to an average of 3, the Empress a divine female or a Earth Mother full of beauty and grace. the last three hours w. the average want to 2.33 this sight card of Strength tasking us to be strong and brave.

I pulled card on what happened to the SRTD Site They were in the past positon Seven of swords a strategy being crafty or scheming. the Querent card was the two of cups a partnership In the King of cups he has something to hide. Temperance card is the last card of this row. the future card were The ten of co9ins or completion of money . Mitigating card six of pentacle be generous. the last card or result is the three of pentacle planning a new structure. I pulled two clarifiers with the ten of wands and the page of swords. So they were taken down and will rebuild but it will take them as long as ten days.
Space Weather New site: https://spaceweathernews.com/

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