Inscrutable: Verbotene Frucht

1 year ago


As of May 7, 2021, the official position of the CDC is that the primary means of transmission is via aerosols, or fine particles, not droplets, and "[t]he smallest very fine droplets, and aerosol particles formed when these fine droplets rapidly dry, are small enough that they can remain suspended in the air for minutes to hours."

As noted by the South China Morning Post in August 2019, regarding the use of tear gas in protests in Hong Kong, an N95 is effective against tear gas, whose smallest deployment configuration is six times larger than the largest SARS-CoV-2 particle, for an hour, leaving an exposure risk beyond that point for an N-95, while nonmedical substitutes, like facial coverings, bandanas, etc., had been determined, definitively, using the same diagnostic equipment used to rate the N95, by the NIOSH in the Obama Administration, in March 2010, to be wholly ineffective respiratory protection, findings reiterated in June 2020, after the WHO had hastily examined 172 observational studies, but promoted under the headline in the Washington Post that announced that a "spate of new research supports wearing masks", meaning an N95, technically a "mask", while announcing four paragraphs down, that the study did not support the conclusion that the facial coverings the City of Alexandria had encouraged churches to sew to distribute to healthcare workers would be effective respiratory protection.

And, when called to tasks regarding his masking policy, the Mayor of Alexandria, like the former Virginia Governor, chose to evade an argument in court. Why, if they were following the science?

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