Dr McCullough on Hospitalisation and Death vs Vaccination Status

1 year ago

Cardiologist/Epidemiologist Dr Peter McCullough is the author of an early paper "Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) Infection". He writes and speaks extensively on Covid-19 and he is the most-cited academic-clinician in his medical field, in history. He speaks out persistently for evidence based medicine and has come under extreme fire from the pharmaceutical cartel intent on removing all dissenting voices.

Dr McCullough gave testimony in the Pennsylvania senate in June 2023, on the Covid-19 response. This clip explains the negative efficacy of the Covid-19 injectable products, including the case of Australia which is, alongside most other Pacific Rim nations, a population who did not experience the pandemic until after the population were almost entirely injected.

Source: https://rumble.com/v2tk340-testimony-from-dr.-mccullough-on-covid-19-vaccines-pennsylvania-state-capit.html

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