Alex Jones - FULL SHOW 6/19/23

1 year ago

Globalists Dealt Devastating Defeat: COVID Tyranny Narrative Completely Collapses / NWO In Free Fall - FULL SHOW 6/19/23

'Alex Rosen joins Alex Jones live via Skype to detail his ambush interview with big pharma physician Dr. Peter Hotez. Also, Daniel Estulin joins Alex Jones live via Skype to lay out the history behind the globalists' plan, where we are now during their world takeover, and ultimately how to stop them before it's too late. In the final hour, Owen Benjamin joins Alex Jones live via Skype.'

#Globalists #COVIDTyranny #NWO #AlexRosen #bigpharma #DrPeterHotez #DanielEstulin #AlexJonesShow #OwenBenjamin #AlexJones #Diedsuddenly #diedunexpectedly #nurembergtrialsforcovid #nopandemicamnesty #criemsagainsthumanity #informedconsent #nurembergcode #USConstitution #Globalism #GreatReset #WHO #CDC #anthonyfauci #rochellewalensky #billgates #defeathegreatreset #covid19 #covid1984 #coronavirus #mrnavaccine #covidjab #coercion

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