Special Fathers' Day Testimony! How Dad Was Healed Of Covid Last Year. #healing #miracle #blessings

11 months ago

#healing #miracle #blessings #benchpress

Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers!

This episode is dedicated to my dad.

Dave shares his story of how he was healed of Covid last year. We are at his gym, one of his favourite places to be. He walks us through how to do a bench press and in between sets shares some of his story. Hopefully you will find motivation to strengthen your body and find hope in his story. You will notice at the beginning an audio issue but it was resolved quickly.

Dave was in hospital for 10 days, lost 20 pounds in that short time, oxygen level was down to 77%, a doctor was pushing Remdesivir against the will of patient, the doctor suggesting last good bye to wife and kept in isolation with not even his wife allowed to visit.

He held on to the word the Lord gave him "My Grace Is Sufficient For You", held on to the love and prayers of his wife, held on to a picture given by someone from the Lord showing Dave would be walking out of the hospital.

As difficult and terrible the situation had become the HEALING CAME and eventually ALL DAMAGE was healed including kidneys and lungs.

Please share this testimony with others!

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