Sen. Geoff Schroeder claims to be a conservative, but his record suggests otherwise

1 year ago

Sen. Geoff Schroeder wanted his voters to think he was a conservative.

But his record in Boise tells a very different story. It's time voters learned the truth:

Schroeder voted against H71, which bans child sex change surgeries and drugs.
Schroeder voted for S1147, which appropriated state money for out-of-state medical programs that include abortion and transgender care.
Schroeder voted for H276, which funds Idaho Public Television.
Schroeder voted for S1176 which funds Idaho's public universities, including leftist programs such as diversity/equity/inclusion.
Schroeder voted against H314, which would have disallowed schools and libraries from distributing obscene materials to children.
Schroeder voted for H24, diverting taxpayer dollars to big businesses in the guise of workforce development.

Call Sen. Schroeder at 208-332-1344 and tell him that if he runs as a conservative, he should vote like one.

Paid for by Idaho Freedom Action.

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