Media Plagued with Eco-Ineptitude

1 year ago

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge,” is a quote from the Christian Bible’s book of Hosea 4:6, and the principle is playing out today in relation to man-made climate change propaganda. Thanks to the woefully poor scientific background of most Americans, we are prey to the inaccuracies, inconsistencies and outright fallacies expounded by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the goal of which is to implement world government by solving a non-existent problem.
Dr. Howard Hayden is working to correct the situation. He serves as editor and publisher of The Energy Advocate, a monthly newsletter which promotes scientifically-based energy and technology issues and – in doing so – exposes the myth of man-made climate change.
He joins TNA Senior Editor Rebecca Terrell to discuss the headline of his June issue: Intellectual Dodges. Hayden argues that, like the general public, media is rife with scientific ineptitude. Reporters who don’t understand and therefore can’t explain away dictates of enviro-crats simply dodge rational arguments by spouting mainstream narrative nonsense, which is much more akin to a false religion than to science.
Dr. Howard Hayden is a University of Connecticut professor emeritus of physics. You can reach him at

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