Revelation 16:18, 20 show us when Yellowstone will blow. June 15, 23

1 year ago

Old Faithful erupting every 90 minutes can shoot as high as 180 feet, usually it just shoots for 4 or 5 minutes at a height of about 140 feet. I believe during the Great Tribulation after the church is raptured, this whole area will explode with huge volcanic activity. In Revelation 16:18 "And there were flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder; and there was a great earthquake, such as there had not been since mankind came to be upon the earth, so great an earthquake was it, and so mighty."
16:20 "And every island fled, and no mountains were found. "
June 15th, 2023 Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming My kids are ready to be raptured.

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