Daily Energy Standup Episode #14 -The trifecta of energy crisis pricing in one day! OPEC, Russia, EU

1 year ago

What a crazy weekend! OPEC has decided to sit back and see what happens with the $60 Russian price cap by the EU. So they will not change earlier cuts. The EU thinks this will hurt Putin, well he just said I am taking my oil and going to other countries. this will drive the oil on the open markets up. Removing 1.1 mbd will increase prices. You can't buy this kind of fun!

Stories covered in this episode.

EU Russian Oil Sanctions May Yield “Violent Price Spike”

US’s oil deal with Venezuela, saying it marked a new sign of “desperation.”
from the administration of Joe Biden – Harold Hamm

Switzerland May Ban EVs Amid A Threat Of Blackout

54% of projects extracting clean energy minerals overlap with Indigenous lands, research reveals

There Might Be Unpredictable Consequences From Capping Russian Oil

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Mark LaCour, Editor in Chief, OGGN

Paige Wilson, Host of Oil and Gas Industry Leaders and Co-Host of Oil and Gas This Week Podcast.

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David Blackmon, Author, Industry leader, Podcast Host,

DB Energy Questions Podcast


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