3rd Sunday After Pentecost [Octave of Sacred Heart] 6/18/23 "You Shall Draw Water With Joy!" (PA)

1 year ago

Fr. David Hewko, in the Philadelphia area, Pennsylvania
For those good souls wishing to donate directly to Fr. Hewko's apostolate: https://paypal.me/FrHewko

How to contact Fr. Hewko, Mass circuit schedules, & general information on Fr. Hewko's apostolate are primarily found here https://sspxmc.com/ and here https://thecatacombs.org/

Fr. Hewko's sermons can also be found on YouTube & Bitchute, both links found here: https://sspxmc.com/sermons/
and here: https://thecatacombs.org/forumdisplay...

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