June 19, 2023

1 year ago

The Foreignborn and Naturalized American M(iste)r Dietrich was a DoD (Department of Defense) Research Librarian for nigh-a-decade, Responsible for Incinerating Highly Classified Matériel(s) exposing the reality behind Ƶombi(e)s, Vampires, Soviet Psȳ́chic Warfare, and other Occult Phæinómæna; as well as destroying Documents on critical Historical Topics such as the all-too-many different Èthnoreligionational Holócausts in addition to suchlike pivotal Incidents in The Human Experience as The Japanese Preëmptive Strategic Surgical Strike On Pearl Harbour, The ‘Battle of Los Ángeles and The Roswell Atrocity, as well as Le Vingtième Siècle (“The Twentieth Century”) Wars for Việt-Nám (appositely The Three Indochinǽ Conflicts). His Post was San Francisco’s Presidio (literally “Military Base” in The Español [“Spanish”]), which was seething with Sēt’h-Theism (id est, Satanism), Child Abuse(s), and controversial Human and Animal Medical Experimentation(s) – indeed an Assassination on Then-Presidential Candidate WILLIAM-JEFFERSON CLINTON was even Attempted. Records plundered from both Enemy and Allied States articulated the hidden objectives of modern mass-movements such as Ƶionism, Voaujhodouonxism (“Voodooism”), “NAƵIsm (National[ist]-Socialism),” ‘Îƶlamicism (Wähhä’‘bīst-ʾإslāmist Fundamentalism), and other Ideologies. Along Incineration of reams of Reports detailing everything from Military / Intelligence-Sponsored Drug-Smuggling Operations to Interdepartmental Mind-Control Prógroammes were destroyed volumes of Notes pertaining to subjects ranging from Intranational Entities such as The UNO (United Nations Organization) and even The Vatican to “Individuals-of-Interest” inclusive NIKOLA TESLA, L. RON HUBBARD and HP LOVECRAFT.

Since Forced Base-Closure of el Presidio viś-à-viś The Mr Dietrich’s Expositions, his Background in Military Information Warfare and his experiences in Mercenary / Security Enforcement have exposed him to startling insights into Geopolitics, the current Demographic Apocalypse, and The US MIMOENANISIC-COM (United States Military / Intelligence / Medical / Occult / Entertainment / Narcotics / Academic / Nuclear / Information / Science[s] / Industrial-Congressional COMplex) Junta Thánatizing our very Future. WMD’s (Weapons of Mass-Deception) unleashed Generations agone by increasingly Self-Deluded American Élites have since Warped The Taxpaying Electorate’s very Perception(s) of Reality – NOW Be The Time For TOTAL Disclosure.

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