Ep 54: Client Feedback, Kristina Wescott

1 year ago

Today show is an interview with a recent reading. Will be talking to Kristina Westcott and what it was like having her first introduction to her own design. She will be giving her insights on what it felt like having aspects of her revealed, things that most of us have an idea about, but just can't quite put words to.

As I tell everyone when I read for them, by the end of the first session will be speaking in a language that unique to them. Kristina experience that I was able to tell us what that was like. If we're lucky, will be able to follow up after her second part to analysis.

Whenever I start with a brand, new client, I try to let them know this is not just a reading, it's more like class, a short, two or three part class. I certainly hope Miss Westcott comes back for her part two and possibly a part three, and that we get her input and her feedback on all of that.

It's a short interview proximately 30 minutes. We hope you enjoy. Thank you very much…

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