2024 Candidate for Utah Congressional District 2 - R Quin Denning

1 year ago

R Quin Denning, a dedicated candidate running for Utah Congressional District 2. Quin's journey began in Idaho, where he was born as the eldest of eight children. Throughout his life, he has been an entrepreneur, starting his first business at the age of 14 and venturing into various industries such as design-build construction, real estate, mobile app development, cabinet manufacturing, and education. With over 30 years of experience as a Design Builder, Quin possesses extensive knowledge and hands-on skills to make companies efficient and profitable.

Quin's passion for the Constitution began at the age of 16, and he has since dedicated himself to studying and teaching its principles. Through his previous campaigns, he has successfully engaged people in reading and understanding the Constitution. As a strong advocate for constitutional issues, Quin brings a unique perspective and a desire to preserve the values that shaped the nation.

Running for office, Quin is motivated by a range of important values. He believes in localized parental control over education and aims to protect parents' rights to educate their children. Ensuring secure borders is another priority, as he recognizes the importance of preserving national identity and maintaining the foundations of liberty. Quin also stands firmly against the encroachment of socialism and communism in schools and media, pledging to continue the work against these ideologies.

Other key issues that Quin emphasizes include responsible fiscal management, defending religious freedom, protecting the Second Amendment rights of citizens, advocating for public lands to remain accessible, and upholding the sanctity of life. With his deep-rooted values and commitment to making a difference, Quin Denning is dedicated to serving the people of Utah Congressional District 2 and championing their interests in Congress. Learn more about his candidacy:
Website: https://www.quinforutah.com/home
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064506891822
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rquindenning2/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/quin-denning-0612168/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/denning_quin
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@UCk1-g5u9-DcuDGZ0_lXIkUQ

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