Ismael Perez Interview (Related info and links in description)

1 year ago

(Note: Really strange stuff happened to me back in 2019 with a near-death experience, a demonic attack, Mandela Effects, Deja vu instances etc., and some how I relate to some of this topic in this interview. I believe I am suppose to witness what is happening in our world today as we all slowly wake up to the truth and to ultimately defeat evil here on earth. I was born Catholic, I believe the Catholic church and Vatican have been infiltrated as with over 90% of the world's leadership. This all gives me stronger faith in God, our Christian mission on earth and ultimately participate in God's final plan against evil. I am absolutely livid what these demonic psychopaths have been doing with our children in systematic secret. As I stated before, thank God for Trump, the Alliance, Q Intel, the leaked Podesta Emails and WikiLeak dumps. Time to wake up! Pray! Thank you subscribers. Marcum)

‘Subliminal Messaging and Predictive Programming.pdf’
‘Adrenochrome - Mind Control -v1.pdf’

Mirrored - Fair Use (share)
June 16th, 2023.
Patriot Underground
Star Wars & The Akashic Records
Humanity’s True History & Purpose
Starseed Envoy Mission Objectives
History Of The Matrix
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Mind Control & Organized Religion
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Disclaimer: My podcasts are for entertainment purposes only; Do your own research

Subliminal Messaging and Predictive Programming (links below article) -add also the related “Cloning” and “Freemasonry” links.
June 14, 2023
MyCatholicRedPill – Today, just for fun, we’re going to go down the rabbit hole of how entertainment and the media manipulate people. Some of this is sheer speculation, some if it is provable fact, and all of it requires that you don your full array of tinfoil.
This has been going on for decades. These techniques are used to reduce resistance to upcoming tyranny, to change opinions of large groups of people and let them think it was their own idea, and to subtly program the brains of the masses while they think they’re just enjoying some entertainment.
The only good news in this article is that some of us are less susceptible to this type of manipulation. How do we become less susceptible? By understanding how it all works we build up sort of an immunity. We see when we are being subjected to these shenanigans a lot more readily and are able to say, “Hey – that’s not how I feel about this topic at all.”
What is predictive programming?
There have been tons of articles and almost as many theories about predictive programming. Predictive programming is when events are depicted in a movie or TV show that later come to pass.
You can search and come up with hundreds of hits for movies and shows ranging from the ‘Sandy Hook’ Map in Dark Knight Rises to The Simpsons Predicting the Ebola Outbreak and the Death of Prince. Oh – and the author of the Hunger Games Trilogy Suzanne Collins lives in Sandy Hook and her books deal with child sacrifices…I’m just sayin’.
Weird, right?
At least sometimes, coincidences do happen. For example, in 1898 Morgan Robertson wrote a novel called Futility about a ship called the Titan that hit an iceberg on its maiden voyage. 14 years later the Titanic sank, after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage! You can read more about the similarities between the book and the real event here. Now, in this case, I really doubt that the author arranged for the White Star Line to commission a ship, called the Titanic and then had it sink in mid-April after hitting an iceberg the first time it left port.
Other forms of predictive programming aren’t so clairvoyant or specific but are predictive in that they reflect a way of life.

So why would they do this?
It is proposed that by mimicking a change that is desired by those in power, resistance to that change can be minimized because people have seen it happen already. It’s easier for them to accept the change because it has been normalized through the media.
Here are a few examples from an article by The Coincidence Theorist:
In the 1998 blockbuster, ‘The Siege’, New York is attacked by terrorists and is subsequently locked into a state of martial law. Could this have prepared viewers for The World Trade Center attacks and the controversial legislation that followed, such as the USA Patriot Act, the “President’s Surveillance Program”, and the creation of the US Department of Homeland Security?
Someone who tolerated ‘World War Z’ was not only exposed to the much-repeated theme of deadly pandemics, but was also conditioned to accept that a vaccine from the World Health Organisation might be humanity’s only hope of survival.
A person who watched ‘Minority Report’ in 2002 might be less alarmed when technologies such as facial recognition, retina scanning, driverless cars, predictive crime-fighting and personalised advertisingstart to become commonplace in their own reality.
Did ‘Robocop’ prepare people for police militarization and the introduction of robotic policing?
Even a Futurama fan might have been subtly preconditioned to accept the concept of microchip implants.
The article goes on to link significant terror events like 9/11 and 7/7, as well as events like the moon landing. It’s a really great piece until you get to the conclusion and he says it’s all baloney, even after he provided a ton of interesting evidence to support the case of predictive programming as a tool of familiarization.
In Canada, I noticed that they expressed the message that guns were terrifying on a regular basis on Canadian TV. The popular show Flashpoint was a police procedural about an SRU team in Toronto. (SRU is the Canadian version of SWAT.)
Whenever a civilian saw a person with a gun, a gun in a car, or a gun in a desk drawer, they completely freaked out. They immediately phoned the police, and sometimes they hid in closets, whispering in terror to the 911 operator. They needed to be saved because, by golly, guns kill you. Guns are strictly controlled in Canada, and this was just a reinforcement of the message that the government was protecting citizens by keeping firearms away from them, as well as the message that you must immediately phone the officials should one be seen.

What is subliminal messaging?
Subliminal messaging is way more subtle than predictive programming.
Messages are “played” to individuals or the public without them being aware of it. The message may be a visual ‘flash’ in a series of other pictures that you don’t consciously pick up on but your subconscious registers the image.
One example would be a movie where frame 25 in a sequence of 40 images moving at 30 frames per second flashes the name of a product, a person, or whatever other information the producers wanted you to “take in.” Even if you don’t believe in your conscious mind that subliminal messaging can have any effect on you…your unconscious mind has no such view, it accepts what’s sent to it without question.
When companies advertise, politicians stand on the stage, or gangs roam down the street, we see their colors – the sign, symbol, or slogan that defines them. It’s all marketing and branding, and subliminal messaging can get that message into your brain without you knowingly visualizing it.
And it works. A multi-million-dollar industry has been created from self-help tapes and CD’s that are played They Live while a person sleeps to improve some aspect of the person’s life. Experiments with inserting a subliminal message about snacks right before a break in a movie increased snack sales during the break. This technique is heavily used by companies with products to sell.
The uncomfortable thing is, unless you instructed someone to put the messages in there or you put them there yourself, there is no way you can know if you are being subjected to such suggestions.
Here’s exactly how fast that can happen, plus some information on why this works so effectively:
Creepy, right?
So, what happens if the messages we are ‘receiving’ aren’t just about buying a soda and some popcorn? What if they are rather more insidious in nature? What if we are being manipulated every time we turn on a TV, watch a movie or even turn on our computers?
Some of us are aware of the “dumbing down” of our young people, their total addiction to their smartphones, tablets and laptops, the hours and hours they watch TV. Kids are completely addicted to their screens. If “someone” wanted to use screens as mind-control methods, then it makes perfect sense to get kids dependent upon those screens while they’re young. They can be programmed from the very beginning to be good little consumers and to pay for it by being wage slaves. Nearly everyone has a smartphone these days, which means we all carry a mind-control device around in our purses or pockets.

Why doesn’t it work on some of us?
Taking it a step further, what if some people are genetically more susceptible than others? What if some of us are immune to this constant bombardment of images, words, and ideas that most people seem to buy into without question?
Could this be the difference between the vast majority of the people and those of us are that are awake and aware? Are we just mutants? Is this why I can explain this stuff until I lose my voice and just get a blank stare from people who think I am the crazy one?
The vast majority of people in the United States are completely accepting of the official message:
• They believe that the government will be there to save them in all circumstances.
• They don’t question or inquire. They simply accept what they are told.
• They don’t share our fears that something big is on the horizon.
• They exist in a bubble and don’t look at the bigger picture.
• They refuse to prepare for bad things because they honestly don’t believe it’s possible that those things will happen.
• Most people like us (those who are aware, the self-sufficient minority) watch less
• TV than the masses.
Some of us watch no TV at all. I watch a few shows on Netflix or Amazon Prime, but we don’t have cable TV with its commercials and *cough* news. We have other things to do, things that will help us when there are soldiers on the streets “for our own protection.” Things that will help our kids survive when the store shelves are empty and the majority relies on government rations to live (if they behave well enough to get one that is, and behave they will because hunger is a massive motivator to do as you’re told.)
Even if you have a tendency to be mind-controlled, it’s possible to snap out of it. I wasn’t always the tinfoil-clad blogger you see before you today. When I was in my early 20s, I truly did believe that the government agencies like the EPA and the FDA were looking out for our best interests, that food or medicine wouldn’t be sold if it was harmful, and that schools truly were in the business of educating children. Most of us have to shake off our early training at the hands of the education system and the television.
And sort of like in the movie, The Matrix, if you can get someone to swallow the red pill, they become a lot less willing to believe whatever they’re fed.
Subliminal messaging can change people’s views, can change the way they think, can change what they want to eat, what car they want to buy, maybe even how they vote. All you need is the cash to get your message out there and buy a few split seconds of screen time.
It can sow the seeds that make acceptance of abnormal and dangerous situations easier. It can teach people not to question and to be good little sheep.
Sitting for hours in front of the television mindlessly watching the drivel produced by companies who call it “entertainment” is brainwashing people and turning them into idiots, making the best current day example of predictive programming the movie Idiocracy.
All you have to do is look around and you’ll see that it’s here.

Predictive Programming (In MSM, Sci-Fi and Movies)- Bitchute/Rumble links.

(Note: It is become clearer that most of the installed elite have been (pre-planned) through bloodline or bio-engineered to be both male and female in the image of the Baphomet so that they can be possessed by these controlling evil entities or through a godless satanic culture that coerces/seduces normal humans into blending or changing their genders so that demons can partly control or fully possess them. Everything becomes inverted or good becomes evil and evil is now good. Once separated from source or God (they have no soul), Adrenochrome becomes one of their life sources or means to keep young or keeping a clone going. Goal to destroy the family unit and invert everything that is good, drawing our energy for their soulless existence. Once you know this secret it explains everything and those affected stand out like a sore thumb. Would it be inconceivable to suggest that when both the current pope and Vatican support the Great Reset, Pfizer, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum that possibly the past Vatican conclave, Cardinals and the pope himself have been penetrated by these demonic psychopathic entities as well? Most celebrities if not all are secretly transgendered because they pay allegiance to their false deity Baphomet who is an androgyny. Take it or leave it, but where is the better explanation? Thank God for Q Intel, the leaked Podesta Emails and WikiLeak dumps. Time to wake up! Marcum)

By watching these predictive programming movies, we unknowingly give the cabal permission to actually follow through with their satanic agenda and human control. Our mind doesn’t realize our subconscious was tricked while we think we are only watching harmless entertainment, don’t question the subject matter and ultimately do nothing as we are zombified. Most humans are unaware of the spiritual battle we are in and the cabal wants our soul with our children being their ultimate prize. Pray! Marcum)

REESE REPORT - Predictive Programming and the Ohio Train Wreck (How humans subconsciously give the Cabal permission to control our reality Pt1)

Gene Decode & Team. Cabal's Contempt of Court! (How humans subconsciously give the Cabal permission to control our reality Pt2)

…what is predictive programming?

1960s Government Subliminal National Anthem Video — It's THEY LIVE! (Predictive Programming)

Predictive Programming and Calling The Truth Tellers Crazy

...mind control the masons & slavery?

X FILES MY ASS - YOU DISCERN (What is coded in your DNA? Who put it there? Q-4966)

Pandemic Predictive Programming with Sheila Holm, and Suzzanne Monk | Unrestricted Truths

Brief explanation of Agenda 21-(Agenda 2030 is part of Agenda 21)

The Lizard People Conspiracy | Inside Job | (Wow! Predictive Programming or Plausible Deniability?)

Iron Sky: The Coming Race (2019) (A Hidden Documentary?)

Simpsons - predictive programming

Nicholson1968 - Globalist Plan For Mark of the Beast EXPOSED!

I believe demons (fallen angels) use the hidden invading evil race of Reptilian type aliens as the intermediary interdimensional medium to possess us (including soul scalping/MK-Ultra or clone) with total procession (most hive-mind elite/leaders) or projecting their will on susceptible victims while manipulating our carnal desires away from God ever since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. These entities are very old, a higher dimension, extremely intelligent, but lost their own soul and no longer have a connection with God therefore making them purely carnal-type beings that seek to totally possess humans and terraform our world. They need to feed off us to exist here and draw energy through the inversion of good and evil. Those totally possessed, clones or shapeshifting reptoids require a supply of adrenochrome in order to hold form or exist in our realm. You can see the manifested manipulation of these lower vibrational carnal desires especially pride, lust and greed through the hive-mind of Hollywood, liberal activists, death-cult pseudo-science medical leaders, gender inversions, politicians, world leaders or even ourselves. The results do not resemble a normal human, but rather demonic psychopaths with virtually no empathy and bent on control over us. Marcum

MUST WATCH: New Film Exposes The Entire Globalist Endgame!

Illuminati Predictive Programming in Movies!


REESE REPORT An Act of Terror Against the American People

The United States Is Being Run By The Top 5 Demons In Hell Along With Satan - Here Is Who They Are


Symbolism will be their Downfall Lou Decode B2T

Globalist Agenda, Digital Currency & the Catholic Church Takeover with Br. Bugnolo

CV19 Bioweapon Vax is Not Genocide, It’s extinction

Insiders In FULL PANIC as Masses Turn Off Legacy Media, Awaken to NWO Takeover!



Adrenochrome (ADC) (These Demonic Psychopaths are Pure EVIL!

Arizona Wilder (explains the hive-mind) - from my banned/censored truth archive - repost

MARGARITA MINUTE! TRUDEAU THE DOPE! (Shocking Adrenochrome links in description)

Human Cloning 2022 Pt 2: Narrated by Yash Qaraah (Cloning links in description)
Bitchute version

(Note: The secrets are out. Selling your soul gives authority to clone and control you. Soon they will not be able to walk down the streets (including pro-genocide Catholic leadership/priests). The mainstream media (MSM)/Vatican are all complicit in design, not only for hiding the reality of child trafficking (adrenochrome), but supporting the C19 genocide narrative. They are all demon-controlled MK-Ultra/Clones or demon possessed shapeshifting reptoids or blackmailed for their deeds. Humans do not act or think this way. Once you know this fact everything fits. The lizard-brain mentality trait is now easy to spot, plus those possessed cannot deviate from the exposed demonic global hive-mind narrative. Proof- Total systematic cancelling of the good Priests/Ministers and anti-vaxx doctors/nurses. They need us, but we sure as hell do not need these psychopathic nutjobs or the Soros/Antifa/WEF/UN/NWO/Commie/Francis agenda and the Great Reset global hive-mind BS, plus there are more of us. Think! How else could this evil plan been orchestrated if not through a single global coordinated satanic hive-mind? Pray for all the removed/canceled good priests, doctors and nurses! Marcum)

“Everybody you see on TV, about 90% are a clone, a synthetic robotoid or a soul scalped person.” (From my archive of censored or banned videos) Hint: Think Biden, Pelosi, Schiff, Trudeau, RINOs, woke (pope?)





Special Forces Seize Deep State Cloning Lab in Alaska

Military Arrests Deep State “Cloning Scientist”

Special Forces Destroy Deep State Cloning Lab

Marines “Unalive” Clinton Clones in New York and San Diego

Human Cloning 2022 Pt 1: Narrated by Donald Marshall (Forced Vaxxed - Why not forced Cloning?)

Jack Black Said He Sold His Soul To The Devil

Jack Black “They Kill You If You Try And Walk Away And Clone You”

Secret Underground Government Cloning Facilities In Real Life. 🧬👥

Kid Buu Says He's a 2nd Generation Clone that Escaped from Cloning Facility

Human Cloning 2022 Pt 2: Narrated by Yash Qaraah


Think! What consciousness (entity) or hive-mind controls the clone? Marcum
(Note: All cabal members of this weird wacko pseudo – medical cult religion are exempt or faked getting their jab, while we are coerced or forced to get the death jab!
These criminals are all pedophiles (mostly controlled MK-Ultra clones) and they want to mandate us so they can be free to continue their crimes in systematic secret!
The goal is global genocide and transform our children into (sub)-human 3.0 to allow demonic possession through nano-tech. This is the sickest and most diabolical plan devised in this spiritual battle. As Q posted, "protect your DNA" as that is the God-given fortress of protection. Most global leadership, politicians, celebrities or people installed into positions of social influence are demon controlled clones.
Children have next to zero risk against so-called Covid, yet they are pushing this experimental drug under the guise of a vaccine. Think! why? Please see the following video link or see my letter I wrote to my local bishop back in 2019 (both links below).
They are all pedophiles and demonic psychopaths. Trump forced them to accelerate their plans which now exposes all their deceptions. Mostly all political and church leaders are now possessed demonic psychopaths. They are now exposed, trapped, afraid of us and panicking. "Children", are what will unite and wake up humanity to these soulless psychopathic nutjobs.
What are the penalties for treason and crimes against humanity? Pray! Marcum)

This is really happening, They are re-writing your DNA You ARE THE THIRD TEMPLE!!!

Share ‘Bishop2021-10-06(redacted).pdf’

Putin Destroys Adrenochrome Lab in Ukraine

Putin Intercepts Adrenochrome Shipment Headed to United States

Jessie Czebotar Interview #3
(Note: The cabal uses sex magic as a substitute to open certain spiritual gates (see 1:14) they couldn't open otherwise, hence why they target children and why they are ALL pedophiles.)

The Golden Ratio - Evidence of God (Everybody Hurts 432Hz – Marcum)
Rumble version

(Note: The secrets are out. Selling your soul gives authority to clone and control you. Soon they will not be able to walk down the streets (including pro-genocide Catholic leadership/priests). The mainstream media (MSM)/Vatican are all complicit in design, not only for hiding the reality of child trafficking (adrenochrome), but supporting the C19 genocide narrative. They are all demon-controlled MK-Ultra/Clones or demon possessed shapeshifting reptoids or blackmailed for their deeds. Humans do not act or think this way. Once you know this fact everything fits. The lizard-brain mentality trait is now easy to spot, plus those possessed cannot deviate from the exposed demonic global hive-mind narrative. Proof- Total systematic cancelling of the good Priests/Ministers and anti-vaxx doctors/nurses. They need us, but we sure as hell do not need these psychopathic nutjobs or the Soros/Antifa/WEF/UN/NWO/Commie/Francis agenda and the Great Reset global hive-mind BS, plus there are more of us. Think! How else could this evil plan been orchestrated if not through a single global coordinated satanic hive-mind? Pray for all the removed/canceled good priests, doctors and nurses! Marcum)

“Everybody you see on TV, about 90% are a clone, a synthetic robotoid or a soul scalped person.” (From my archive of censored or banned videos) Hint: Think Biden, Pelosi, Schiff, Trudeau, RINOs, woke (pope?)





Special Forces Seize Deep State Cloning Lab in Alaska

Military Arrests Deep State “Cloning Scientist”

Special Forces Destroy Deep State Cloning Lab

Human Cloning 2022 Pt 1: Narrated by Donald Marshall (Forced Vaxxed - Why not forced Cloning?)

Jack Black Said He Sold His Soul To The Devil (Forced Vaxxed - Why not forced Cloning? see descript)

Jack Black “They Kill You If You Try And Walk Away And Clone You”

Secret Underground Government Cloning Facilities In Real Life. 🧬👥

Kid Buu Says He's a 2nd Generation Clone that Escaped from Cloning Facility

Human Cloning 2022 Pt 2: Narrated by Yash Qaraah


Invasion of the Human-Clones (Full Documentary)

Think! What consciousness (entity) or hive-mind controls the clone? Marcum
(Note: All cabal members of this weird wacko pseudo – medical cult religion are exempt or faked getting their jab, while we are coerced or forced to get the death jab!
These criminals are all pedophiles (mostly controlled MK-Ultra clones) and they want to mandate us so they can be free to continue their crimes in systematic secret!
The goal is global genocide and transform our children into (sub)-human 3.0 to allow demonic possession through nano-tech. This is the sickest and most diabolical plan devised in this spiritual battle. As Q posted, "protect your DNA" as that is the God-given fortress of protection. Most global leadership, politicians, celebrities or people installed into positions of social influence are demon controlled clones.
Children have next to zero risk against so-called Covid, yet they are pushing this experimental drug under the guise of a vaccine. Think! why? Please see the following video link or see my letter I wrote to my local bishop back in 2019 (both links below).
They are all pedophiles and demonic psychopaths. Trump forced them to accelerate their plans which now exposes all their deceptions. Mostly all political and church leaders are now possessed demonic psychopaths. They are now exposed, trapped, afraid of us and panicking. "Children", are what will unite and wake up humanity to these soulless psychopathic nutjobs.
What are the penalties for treason and crimes against humanity? Pray! Marcum)

This is really happening, They are re-writing your DNA You ARE THE THIRD TEMPLE!!!

Share ‘Bishop2021-10-06(redacted).pdf’

Putin Destroys Adrenochrome Lab in Ukraine

Putin Intercepts Adrenochrome Shipment Headed to United States

Jessie Czebotar Interview #3
(Note: The cabal uses sex magic as a substitute to open certain spiritual gates (see 1:14) they couldn't open otherwise, hence why they target children and why they are ALL pedophiles.)

The Golden Ratio - Evidence of God (Everybody Hurts 432Hz – Marcum)

Crimes Against Humanity, List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – This Revolution Will Not be Televised!
18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
18 U.S. Code § 2382 – Misprision of Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
18 U.S. Code § 2383 – Rebellion or Insurrection
Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Sedition Conspiracy
If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
18 U.S. Code § 2385 – Advocating Overthrow of Government
Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or
Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so.
Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.
Soul Analysis: Who is In Power in a specific Nation - Draconian, Lizard or Human Soul Leaders? (Gary Peter Carlson)

‘Soul Analysis - Who is in Power.pdf’

UN Executive Director Blows Whistle: Global Elite Are ALL Pedophiles

‘Adrenochrome - Mind Control -v1.pdf’
Once you know the truth, you’ll never watch these movies the same way (Adrenochrome) – All parts search results

‘THE BLACK SUN.pdf’ (info & links – Marcum)

2010 Australian X-Factor Winner Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry

Learn the esoteric language of the deep state and we'll stop their control over us.

Freemason Code Broken (Parts 1 to 3) links and reference links PDF downloads

Freemason Code Broken (Part 1) (Bitchute & Rumble)

Freemason Code Broken (MyCatholicRedPill).pdf

The Cabal 2016 Plan If Hilary Won Was To Murder All Christians In The USA.pdf

Freemason Code Broken (Part 2) AntiChristPyramid1

Freemason Code Broken (Part 3) Symbolism in Hollywood Movies

(Note: I sat on these Freemason Code Broken series of videos and information I downloaded into my research archive. Even though I disagree with a lot of David's viewpoints, for he is all over the map, his research and knowledge of some of this hidden knowledge is very interesting and worth investigating. You can look him up on YouTube, but again I don't subscribe to most of his positions taken. He also deleted a lot of his content. I hope you find my modified content useful based on his research. So based on Fair Use Policy enjoy my video version and the related PDF documents download links above. Thank you, Marcum - MyCatholicRedPill)
“I am glad that everyone is now seeing the light on what I have been saying loud and clear for the last two years, that the 2020 Presidential Election was rigged and stolen by a combination of Democrats, Big Tech, “law enforcement,” and other bad actors. Sadly, we have become a corrupt Country, perhaps one of the most corrupt anywhere in the world. We MUST right this horrible wrong, and take our Country back!”
… Donald J. Trump
(Note: The secret is out. Soon they will not be able to walk down the streets (including pro-genocide Catholic leadership/priests). The mainstream media (MSM)/Vatican are all complicit in design, not only for hiding the reality of child trafficking (adrenochrome), but supporting the C19 genocide narrative. They are all demon-controlled MK-Ultra/Clones or demon possessed shapeshifting reptoids or blackmailed for their deeds. Humans do not act or think this way. Once you know this fact everything fits. The lizard-brain mentality trait is now easy to spot, plus those possessed cannot deviate from the exposed demonic global hive-mind narrative. Proof- Total systematic cancelling of the good Priests/Ministers and anti-vaxx doctors/nurses. They need us, but we sure as hell do not need these psychopathic nutjobs or the Soros/Antifa/WEF/UN/NWO/Commie/Francis agenda and the Great Reset global hive-mind BS, plus there are more of us. Think! How else could this evil plan been orchestrated if not through a single global coordinated satanic hive-mind? Pray for all the removed/canceled good priests, doctors and nurses! Marcum)

Matthew 5:37 – “But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.” Notice Trump operates in absolutes unlike the rest of the corrupt Dems and RINOs. When has the current pope and Vatican speak anything other than politics? Francis hardly ever mentions, Christ Jesus, and never answers any questions or concerns with a simple “Yes” or “No”. This speaks for itself. Time to wake up. Marcum

Constitutional Law Does Not Exist in US Courts. The United States of America was actually crafted by the Khazarian Mafia as the Crown of England, the Pagan core of the Vatican with Jesuits, and Secret Occult Societies. All levels of the US Inc. are corporations under control of the Vatican, which owns and operates the King of England per Treaty of 1213.

BQQM: You thought Epstein Island was bad, wait until people find out about the Getty Museum – a pedophile fortress with more than 12 floors underground. Two million women and children were there until 2018. There are elevators and practically a city down below with thousands of sex slaves. Only people on the List could walk all over this place. The elevators lead to a tunnel system. It’s guarded with high security. It’s a Hell created within another Hell. Epstein Island is just the tip of the Iceberg.


Laptop From Hell links (Exclusive)

Breaking News! Watch out! Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden is actually… – GNEWS

Todd Callender & Maria Zeee on Infowars - Humans Now Programmable For the Final Takeover!!!

Radical Muslim Operation Warp Speed Architect Hanged at GITMO

The Wacko Pseudo Medical-Science Environmental Religion Cult Fake Climate Change Narrative Explained

JAG Sentences Janssen Vaccine Scientist to Death

Putin Orders Destruction of All Covid-19 Vaccines in Russia

Military Arrests Vaccine Scientist on Charges of Accessory to MASS Murder

⚠️FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (211 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever⚠️

Special Forces Seize Deep State Cloning Lab in Alaska

Military Arrests Deep State “Cloning Scientist”

Special Forces Destroy Deep State Cloning Lab

Human Cloning 2022 Pt 2: Narrated by Yash Qaraah (cloning links in the description)

Think! What consciousness (entity) or hive-mind controls the clone? Marcum

‘Mandela Effect Links.pdf’ (All my Mandela Effect Videos and info)

(Note: All cabal members of this weird wacko pseudo – medical cult religion are exempt or faked getting their jab, while we are coerced or forced to get the death jab!
These criminals are all pedophiles (mostly controlled MK-Ultra clones) and they want to mandate us so they can be free to continue their crimes in systematic secret!
The goal is global genocide and transform our children into (sub)-human 3.0 to allow demonic possession through nano-tech. This is the sickest and most diabolical plan devised in this spiritual battle. As Q posted, "protect your DNA" as that is the God-given fortress of protection.
Children have next to zero risk against so-called Covid, yet they are pushing this experimental drug under the guise of a vaccine. Think! why? Please see the following video link or see my letter I wrote to my local bishop back in 2019 (both links below).
They are all pedophiles and demonic psychopaths. Trump forced them to accelerate their plans which now exposes all their deceptions. Mostly all political and church leaders are now possessed demonic psychopaths. They are now exposed, trapped, afraid of us and panicking. "Children", are what will unite and wake up humanity to these soulless psychopathic nutjobs.
What are the penalties for treason and crimes against humanity? Pray! Marcum)

This is really happening, They are re-writing your DNA You ARE THE THIRD TEMPLE!!!

Share ‘Bishop2021-10-06(redacted).pdf’

Military Tribunal Convicts Former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn
A military tribunal on Friday convicted former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn on charges of treason and accessory to murder after he admitted that he and other members of Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force had deceived their president into believing untested Covid-19 vaccines were safe and effective, pushing Trump to launch Operation Warp Speed.

Operation Warp Speed Architect Arrested

Putin Destroys Adrenochrome Lab in Ukraine

Putin Intercepts Adrenochrome Shipment Headed to United States

Jessie Czebotar Interview #3
(Note: The cabal uses sex magic as a substitute to open certain spiritual gates (see 1:14) they couldn't open otherwise, hence why they target children and why they are ALL pedophiles.)

The Golden Ratio - Evidence of God (Everybody Hurts 432Hz – Marcum)

JAG Sentences Jerome Adams to Death

Adrenochrome (links) Bitchute & Rumble
‘Adrenochrome - Mind Control -v1.pdf’

Once you know the truth, you’ll never watch these movies the same way (Adrenochrome) – All parts search results

‘Subliminal Messaging and Predictive Programming.pdf’

(Note: It is become clearer that most of the installed elite have been (pre-planned) through bloodline or bio-engineered to be both male and female in the image of the Baphomet so that they can be possessed by these controlling evil entities or through a godless satanic culture that coerces/seduces normal humans into blending or changing their genders so that demons can partly control or fully possess them. Everything becomes inverted or good becomes evil and evil is now good. Once separated from source or God (they have no soul), Adrenochrome becomes one of their life sources or means to keep young or keeping a clone going. Goal to destroy the family unit and invert everything that is good, drawing our energy for their soulless existence. Once you know this secret it explains everything and those affected stand out like a sore thumb. Would it be inconceivable to suggest that when both the current pope and Vatican support the Great Reset, Pfizer, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum that possibly the past Vatican conclave, Cardinals and the pope himself have been penetrated by these demonic psychopathic entities as well? Most celebrities if not all are secretly transgendered because they pay allegiance to their false deity Baphomet who is an androgyny. Take it or leave it, but where is the better explanation? Thank God for Q Intel, the leaked Podesta Emails and WikiLeak dumps. Time to wake up! Marcum

(As a devoted Catholic, as more true nature of the evil around us is revealed it actually enforces our beliefs in God and as Christians. I have heard not one word from Canadian Bishops against the tyrannical Trudeau government, vaccine genocide or support towards freedom-loving Canadians. Most comments ask why I simply just leave the faith as a Catholic because I am so critical of our present Catholic leadership, especially the pope. My response is, I am not going nowhere, it is the evil infiltrators that have to leave the church (physically and spiritually). It is the evil satanic politicians, corrupt medical establishment, big tech manipulators, and church leaders that sold their souls for power and money that will be exposed and held accountable…either in this world or in the Courts of God.) Marcum – MyCatholicRedPill 2023

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