Abraham Hicks, Esther Hicks " Should I work harder " Money & the law of attraction 📙

1 year ago

Welcome to another recording! This audio segment was recorded in 2008 and is part of " Money & law of attraction book & audio book. " This segment is dialogued by Jerry Hicks, and Abraham.[ For those of you who don't know or are new to this material Jerry Hicks is Esther Hicks dearly non-departed husband, lol ] Jerry poses a question asked by hot seater " should I work harder. " Abraham jumps right in to explain, that it is not our effort that brings in our financial gains. But rather the thoughts we have about money, financial wellbeing, & abundance. In other words Money like almost all subjects are two subjects. Yes! you heard me right. You have the abundance on one end, and you have the lack of abundance on the other end. Where are we focusing?For example if you grew up in house hold where people did not have money, and they work very low paying jobs with the little skills they had, you would think money is very hard to get and you would create that belief whether you wanted it or not. Now let's take the opposite if you grew up in a household where everyone was paid well, they worked hard, but there was always more than enough you would grew up with the belief that with many skills, and talents you could continue to develop your trade or better yet create a whole new one, you would have a belief that you can shape your financial future and money and financial wellbeing would be yours! Now this not only dependent on your belief but the airtime you spent everyday, because we are creating our own realities everyday so the thoughts we think today, the way we feel today will determine what comes to us tomorrow and beyond. So again, our financial airtime is important but we don't have concentrate on that we can think about feathers, butterflies, & blue glass and that subject would correct itself it's all about how we feel.

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