SILAC-based Proteomics Analysis Service

1 year ago

Stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) is a powerful method to study the relative proteomic change under differential treatments, which relies on the mass spectrometry and the metabolic incorporation of amino acids with substituted stable isotopic nuclei. In SILAC, a given 'light' or 'heavy' form of the amino acid is incorporated into two samples. Two cell populations are grown in culture media that are identical except that one of them contains a 'light' and the other contains a 'heavy' form of a particular amino acid (e.g. 12C and 13C labeled L-lysine, respectively). As the two isotopically labeled amino acids are essentially chemically identical, their incorporation does not interfere with normal cell growth, while leading to proteins/peptides that are distinguishable by mass and thus are ideal for mass spectrometric analysis. SILAC approaches are well suited for monitoring changes in post-translational modifications.

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