HORMONE THERAPY “MAGIC:” Sex, weight loss, get more hair, breast cancer treatment, and infertility

1 year ago

Listen now (20 min) | This is a free chapter from Hormone Secrets, which is available on Amazon and wherever books are sold. The award-winning author (moi) has over 150 five-star reviews. Do hormones improve sex? Yes. Testosterone has obvious effects for nearly everyone, and progesterone helps women. Estrogen improves sexuality for both men and women. Some hormone doctors give older men one or two mg a day to raise their levels to the normal youthful numbers of about 50-80 pg/ml. This does not feminize them. When thyroid is dosed to produce blood levels at the top of the “normal” lab range, many men and women report more interest. (I have experienced this.) And HGH produces sexual improvement for many users.
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