1 year ago


Death shot

Heart attacks blood clots

You get the jab Down you drop

Young people dyin' around the clock

Death comes suddenly ready or not

People collapsing right before your eyes

Falling on the floor they flail and writhe

Athletes at play crumble and die

But all I hear are lies lies lies lies lies

Emergency use authorization

For mass murder innoculations

Media psychosis indoctrination

It's a bio weapon it's not a vaccination

It's a death shot

Heart attacks blood clots

You get the jab Down you drop

Young people dyin' around the clock

Death comes suddenly ready or not

Myocarditis in the gene serum spell

Toxic spike protein from the shot itself

Immune system attacks it's own cells

Worse than viral infection it's the jab from hell

It's a death shot

Heart attacks blood clots

You get the jab Down you drop

Young people dyin' around the clock

Death comes suddenly ready or not

Graphene oxide in your veins

Nanotechnology changes your DNA

The DARPA time bomb planned for decades

Population reduction by Fauci and Gates

To make big bucks big pharma did concoct

For the world economic forum's sinister plot

An injection to make us all soulless bots

Hackable humans programmed by the lot

By the death shot

Heart attacks blood clots

You get the jab Down you drop

Young people dyin' around the clock

Death comes suddenly ready or not

Banned nationwide all true information

Fake statistic booster propagation

Medical dictatorship implementation

The CDC and world hell organization

Safe and effective this shot is not

Mandated on us by the CDC docs

Givin' it to little lids even tiny tots

When will it end ? Who will stop?

The death shot

Heart attacks blood clots

You get the jab Down you drop

Young people dyin' around the clock

Death comes suddenly ready or not

Death shot !

Death shot !

Death shot !

Lyrics and music by
Joseph S Perna
Copyright 2023

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