
1 year ago

Madking's Alchemical Delta: The Ascent of the Tree of Life to Reach Your Holy Guardian Angel: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C8888G5V
$2.99 Author Profits go to Empower Us Ministries for election integrity and animal rescue

Website: https://madkingsdreams.com

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Each arrow is an hour meditation. If you do them you'll dream like I do, It's a snapshot of heaven. They are labeled in phases so you can go back to get a fuller picture.

Phase Thirteen
→See every interaction is a personal revelation from the Holy Spirit
→The tenth position angel in the base of the emerald pyramid shows you an elevator with thirteen floors. But you can only reach one floor at this time: the first floor has your Holy Guardian Angel; and the second floor has the engravings on the Bone MRKBH which you will learn after you learn the ZEXL Pyramid
→The tenth position angel tells you to exit the Southwest limestone stairwell called Tal
→As you get above the ground, you see the pyramid which was behind you has changed: first of all its now in front of you and at a somewhat further distance as you exit the emerald door; note the yellow topaz side of the pyramid now have twenty eight steps, each four foot high and going back enough to make a room with no ceiling and only half walls; there are thirteen levels of the pyramid in steps just over eight and one half feet tall
→The first step is light green and glows with a soft light; it has before it four platforms each four fifths of a foot high and about a meter square; each containing an angel you first see as a shaft of light
→As you walk towards the first large step you become aware of the colors of the shorter platforms leading to it, all of them glowing with a light: the first platform is light green; the second one is one is dark blue; the third one is white and the fourth one is light blue
→You now see these angels all appear as fourth position; which means they have avatars of trim, intellectual adventurous types, among female Muses they would type after Calliope
→You step onto the first, light green, platform; as you do you are aware that its sound is the T sound that goes with the Enochian Giza. But this step is best expressed by Tiwaz as justice by right order
→This angel appears alien, but pretty. She is gray with clearly female features even though she lacks much indication of breasts. She is purposely alien to represent the border of the unknown. She is in light green dress with a light green bracelet on her right wrist which also glows with a soft light
→The tenth position angel ascends behind you from the emerald Tal door who represents an ideal avatar and presence likened to your significant other
→That tenth position angel merges with the fourth position angel on the light green platform. If that tenth position energy is male, it polarizes the female energy and absorbs it.
→A new angel stands before you, that is a composite of the two. You can call this angel Tuh

Phase Fourteen
→Don’t use art for agendas
→As you step up to Tuh, the merging between the fourth position angel of strange unknown adventure and the tenth position angel of your significant other merged, you feel the constant transition between the each step, and the unity with what you love, the foundational axioms by which you will persist
→She (or he if your other so is) steps from her light green, glowing, square meter platform that seemed to become a world around her to a dark blue meter form one step closer to the first step of the truncated pyramid
→As she does she merges (or he merges with this angel and polarizes her form into a masculine version) with a black angel with red pigtails in dark blue who looks a bit like Thandie Newton
→As she does here glowing light green bracelet changes to a dark blue glowing right index finger ring
→She tells you to pay attention to the sounds of the names that are given; she is the Angel Tay and represents the second octave of Giza, the Enochian T, this T sound is represented by a golden Tav she wears around her neck; She is the power of the cosmological vine of energy related to the awakened DNA. And with this a second octave of fear and its transcendence that comes with the sacred as you realize your free will is ending as your higher self takes over.
→A white platform four fifth of a foot higher lights up behind the dark blue glowing one
→On this platform is a glowing white form in darkness around her
→You ascend to the glowing blue platform as Tay ascends to a glowing white metered platform one square closer and four fifth of a foot higher to the first agate step of the pyramid which is four feet high, Tay merges with the figure off white light
→Her dark blue ring on her right index finger disappears and a white glowing ring on her right index finger appears, this is Tee.
→Tee has the next great octave moving through fear in transition with the realization that all your mistakes were on purpose from a higher self, creating who you needed to be
→She wears a white Greek Tau representing this octave of Giza

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