THE ORIGIN STORY OF JESUS Part 24: The Death March

1 year ago

The Hebrews expected a quick trip to the Promised Land flowing with milk and honey after leaving Egypt. The problem was that they had no personal love for God. When they did not get their way, they were quick to ditch God and voice out their desire to return to Egypt.

As a result, Jesus sentenced the adults to die in the wilderness over a forty year period because of their unbelief and rebellion. The children grew up with the knowledge that their parents had been chastised by God. Lucifer kept rebellion smoldering in the hearts of the Israelite's over the next four decades. They encountered hostile nations, the king of Moab tried to hire a prophet named Balaam to curse them, and even Moses stumbled when he struck the rock, effectively denying him entry to the Promised Land.

Even so, Moses was unique among men and he was summoned from Paradise along with the prophet Elijah some 1,500 years later to speak with Jesus and confirm His mission on earth.
Sermon Outline:

Part 24: The Death March
RLJ-1812 -- JUNE 13, 2021

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