Michael Jordan Sold Hornets

1 year ago

Michael Jordan sells Hornets

March 25, 2023-Numberdamus369 predicted
Michael Jordan would sell the Hornets


1. Michael Jordan Sold the Hornets

March 25, 2023-Numberdamus369 predicted

Ham Sandwich Critics Pt 1.
Michael Jordan sells the team for 1.91-2.3B

2. Michael Jordan sold team for $3B. Matching $3B

What makes this part true is that Michael Jordan could have sold the team for 2.9B or 3.1B. the Numberdamus said 2.3B

the containment of the exact amount makes this spot on at $3B

Ham Sandwich Critics Pt 2.

March 25, 2023-Numberdamus369 predicted Michael Jordan sells the team on exactly 6/15/2023.

3. Decision was already made the day before on 6/15/2023

Michael Jordan has to know who the Purchasee is ahead of time before the Transfer takes place therefor this is also spot on with date of Sale being 6/15/2023.

** This is just like when the President takes office.
The inauguration is on 1/20. The first 24 hours in office is 1/21.

When Trump swore the Oath on inauguration Day he was
70 years 7 months 6 days old. 1/20/2017

His first full 24 hours in office 1/21/2017.
Trump here is now 70 years 7 months 7 days old.

How does this apply to Michael Jordan?

On 6/15/2023-Date of Purchase/Sale.
Michael Jordan is 723 months old. James Jordan died on 723.

On 6/15/2023-Date of Purchase/Sale.
There is 723 minutes separating sale from James Jordan death on

On Date of Transfer 6/16/2023.
Michael Jordan is 724 months old.

On Date of Transfer 6/16/2023
724 minutes separating transfer from
James Jordan death on 723/1993.

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