Advance Wars 1+2: BHR Mission 33

1 year ago

The second to last mission with the first one with us going against Sturm. It is one of the multi-CO missions that has the stupid scoring system that I don't bother to exploit. Basically, the right side is pinned down as you have airports, but by the time you can build anything with them, the cruiser is there to shoot everything down. With Grit on the left, you can slowly make progress and send a fleet of battleships up to tear up half the map. Meanwhile, the guy in the middle needs an opening and then you can force your way in to secure the win.

Overall, I think I may prefer this one on the advanced mode since while the middle will get hammered, you might be able to do something on the flanks. With the new AI, I don't know if there is indeed the case just yet, but it is something I am trying to determine. Essentially, I am not really a fan of this mission for multiple reasons and I think we would be better off if it were just a single CO of our choice manning all three positions.

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