June 18, 2023

1 year ago

What are the limits of God's foreknowledge? The Christ-centered model for early Genesis suggests another model besides Molinism, Complete foreknowledge or Open Theism. God is so powerful and so wise that He has a way to both know and not know.

The two other vids mentioned as background on the topic..
What does God know https://rumble.com/v2tmv9u-what-does-god-know-open-theism-calvinism-arminianism-molinism-in-the-christ.html

Complete Reconciliation in Christ https://rumble.com/v2rog5c-gods-mercy-greater-than-we-think-the-complete-reconciliation-in-christ-view.html

Amazon page of "Early Genesis" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XRLDYJB

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