Holly Achaya

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find Holly at: beyondcoaching.io

show notes

00:00 Awkward silence…
00:15 Hello!
01:27 Who is Holly?
02:48 Sasha childhood
03:30 Sasha’s childhood
06:19 Does Holly have trauma
07:36 23yo Holly questions everything
08:27 Don’t ask questions, be normal
09:10 Holly lays with ants
10:07 Sasha’s ant story
10:44 Life is adult play clay
11:18 The biggest lie is that we are human
11:55 Spoon bending/ Reality bending
13:44 Creating health with our mind
16:46 What our ego wants
17:53 Desire
20:10 Sasha New York Story
21:23 There is only one mission
22:58 Everything is energy
23:37 Remembering who we are/ God
27:06 Men messaging Sasha
28:21 Body work story
29:32 Not our job to wake everyone up
30:18 It’s ok to suffer
34:35 Evolve through LOVE
35:16 People staying in jobs they don’t like
36:56 The father and I are one
37:55 Creative Crisis
41:31 Follow your passion
44:38 New York self realization story/ Tali story
49:12 We are Eternal
53:53 Holly’s spiritual practices
1.00:44 Everything is energy
1.02:29 Holly Leads a Meditation
1.27:00 Holly’s passion project / Sign off

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