Digital Currency Mark Of the Beast 666 CBDC New World Order

1 year ago

The Mark is coming. Do not accept it.
Bible read Revelation 13:16-17
Remember God is in control.

Governments are pushing towards a cashless society.
Once you have no hold of physical currency, you give total, absolute control of your invisible cash to the authority of banking institutions and Government.
Without cash, your control over your immediate assets becomes a digital illusion that can be controlled and manipulated by the banks & Governments.

The government and banks can reserve the right to hold on to, postpone or lock your available funds in case of pandemic, economical crash, civil war, protests, refusal to co-operate, tax, refusal to be vaccinated, or whatever they wish really,...even if the government or the banks are illegally operating.

The idea of you having control over your money is just an illusion.
The profiteers are the BANKS and by any means necessary, the banks will manipulate, bribe, pay off politicians to pass the law or regulation of the reduction of cash flow? Why?
Every physical penny that you hold in your pocket represents your control and your power of economic circulation, growth and exchange of goods. Once you are no longer in possession of physical currency, your bank is.

The dream of every bank is too have full access, holdings and control of your money. This money becomes their borrowing and lending power.
Banks charge you fees to safe hold your money. They also charge you transaction fees and withdrawal fees.
With no say, you can guarantee more Fees, fees, fees whilst they have total control of your money and operate with it.
With Digital Currency, the bank has your cash, the bank has total absolute control.

The Good News!..., There is real Hope.

God created man in his own image.
All have sinned against God (Rom 3:23).
God is Holy and perfect and therefore
must punish sin perfectly.
The consequences of sinning against an
eternal God are eternal.
The wages of sin are death (Romans 6:23).

But Christ came to earth and lived a perfect sinless life
on our behalf, and bore the eternal punishment of sin for all
who are His on the cross of Calvary.
For those who repent and confess their sin to God and
trust in Christ alone for their salvation will receive
the gift of eternal life.

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