PokeARK Revamped: VCSF (Unlisted) Introducing Curries & PokePuffs! | ARK: Dev Kit

1 year ago

For starters, PokePuffs will be coming to VCSF
Now, I know that goes against my whole "ONLY Pokemon assets that are in the Switch games" rule since PokePuffs seem to have come AND gone with Pokemon XY... but they seemed like the perfect Kibble replacement with different tiers and effectiveness.

Also, Pokemon Curries will be coming to VCSF
Apparently, this also seems to be the SwSh equivalent of PokePuffs since they also seem to add affection/friendship to your Pokemon... But I'll use both anyways haha. They'll basically be VCSF's Veggie Cake replacement craftable in the SwSh Cooking Pot and there's various different ingredients needed for different curries AND what portion size you want to craft


So a brief explanation:
I'm working on a new Ark mod called PokeARK Revamped: VCSF (VC being Violet Claw & SF being Scarlet Fang) using Pokemon-related assets from ALL and ONLY the Switch Pokemon games - such as items, structures, caps, and backpacks from LGPE, PLA, SwSh, & SV; The Pokemon THEMSELVES are using 100% assets from Scarlet & Violet and ONLY Pokemon found in those games will be in the mod.

The mod will not go public until it's at a certain state in development, but I'll keep posting videos showing my progress in the meantime. Hope you enjoy!

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