What's a Chiasm? Tower of Babel - Fig Tree Five

1 year ago

This lesson explores the ancient literary technique called a chiastic structure or a chiasm.

The biblical authors use literary devices such as the chiastic structure to add depth to the text.

The chiastic structure focuses the reader's attention and helps communicate the author's point.

We will use the story of the Tower of Babel to help illustrate a chiastic structure.

The Tower of Babel story is a masterpiece of literary work much more profound than most expect.

The depth comes from the underlying chiastic structure and helps communicate a profound message about the nature of humanity.

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Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Covenant and Conversation: Genesis https://www.amazon.com/Covenant-Conversation-Genesis-Book-Beginnings/dp/1592640206/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=jonathan+sacks+covenant+and+conversation&qid=1687032541&sprefix=jonathan+sacks+cov%2Caps%2C108&sr=8-5

This next book is much more than most need to know about Chiasms in the ancient world but I did use it as a reference.

John W. Welch, Chiasmus in Antiquity https://www.amazon.com/Chiasmus-Antiquity-John-W-Welch/dp/1532682433/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3M7RKXB1TS3VP&keywords=chiasmus+in+antiquity&qid=1687032584&sprefix=chiasmus+i%2Caps%2C114&sr=8-1

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