JRE | Joe awesomely grills Dr dirtbag (Check Description)

1 year ago

Joe Rogan is someone I tend to lean towards being controlled opposition. Sometimes though he brings the fire.

I absolutely loved the fact he was the first one to give Dr Robert Malone & Dr Peter McCullough a place to talk after they became the two most censored individuals on the internet which I think may still hold the record for most views.

That information was so critical to get to the public that I have no words that can express how thankful I was for him doing that. Don’t take me thinking of him as a bit of a snake too much to heart though because as you all know I don’t trust anyone lol but am always watching and evaluating.

That’s mainly due to the amount of knives that’s been shoved in our backs especially these last three years and still have the scars to prove. I’ve taken a lot of bans & strikes sharing joe’s content over the last three years. Especially when it comes to those proven medications these evil fkers hid from us purposely that led to lord knows how many preventable deaths.

I better stop that talk or this one will get banned too. Anyway this is awesome how he grills this doctor not pushing obvious remedies and preventable measures yet shoving the sticky pokey down our throats.

From a fellow Anon..

JoeRogan grills Dr. Peter Hotez for exclusively promoting vaccines while disregarding exercise, vitamins, and a healthy diet:

"There's a large body of data that connects poor diet to a host of diseases... You don't think vitamins are needed while you eat junk food?"


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