根据韩国同时提供的数据并在一篇论文中发现了 480 例心肌炎病例和 21 例死亡病例,新冠疫苗引起的心肌炎是致命的…

1 year ago

Dr. McCullough: Before COVID-19, I saw two cases of myocarditis throughout my career...now I see it daily in the clinic; that's how often. Based on concurrent data from South Korea and found in a paper With 480 cases of myocarditis and 21 deaths, myocarditis caused by the new crown vaccine is fatal…

麦卡洛博士:在新冠病毒之前,我在整个职业生涯中看到了两例心肌炎……现在我每天在诊所都能看到,就是这么频繁.根据韩国同时提供的数据并在一篇论文中发现了 480 例心肌炎病例和 21 例死亡病例,新冠疫苗引起的心肌炎是致命的…

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