Ben Stein Is Wide Awake | Check Description

1 year ago

Ben Stein with the facts which most of us know but the scariest/saddest thing is we can’t even protest the hostile corrupt regime currently holding us hostage without the fear of infiltration by three letter agencies whom cause and incite violence.

Even after all of that, the theft of our country Nov 3rd 2020, watching the constitution be spit on daily, and being labeled racist domestic extremists by our own government we still remain peaceful. Tired, frustrated, heartbroken, and in shock but still peaceful.

The majority which has grown dramatically in the last three years sees through the bullshit and realizes violence is what these people want. They highly underestimated the love you have for your country and overestimated your love for violence.

Stand strong and together patriots. Our children are depending on us, watching us, and may even one day ask what we did during these times of trouble. We will hold our heads high and be proud Frens. While others hold their heads in shame because of the evil they defended and the heroes they ridiculed and mocked.

God bless, give strength, and protect patriots who continue to press on because they see how high the stakes are.

“I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace.”-Thomas Paine

#WWG1WGA | #ArmorOfGod | #GodWins

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