WOKE Churches of Seattle - Season 2, Episode 4: Is My Church Woke?

1 year ago

In James 2:20-24 we learn that faith and works must go hand and hand otherwise faith is useless. With the increasing number of churches bending to Woke ideology it is important that we consider what practical steps we can take within our own churches. Join us as we discuss what we can do to push back against the woke narrative.

Center for Biblical Unity - https://www.centerforbiblicalunity.com/post/5-signs-your-church-may-be-going-woke

Non Woke Churches in Ballard WA:
Philadelphia Church - https://pcseattle.org/
The Vine Baptist Church - https://thevinebaptistchurch.com/
Westside Church - https://www.westsidechurch.com/

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