THE ORIGIN STORY OF JESUS Part 14: When All Seems Lost

1 year ago

Moses came from the bloodline of Levi and was the fourth generation from Jacob. God arranged it so that the daughter of Pharaoh adopted a hated Hebrew baby boy. The first forty years of Moses’ life were spent as a prince of Egypt, receiving the finest education. He was also trained as a soldier, educated in politics, instructed in law, and qualified to be a judge.

Unfortunately, Moses killed an Egyptian taskmaster, and as a result, he fled to Midian where he spent the next forty years as a shepherd under the tutelage of his father-in-law. Jethro taught Moses about God, the creation, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and he also learned about a Redeemer that would save humanity from their sins.

Moses slowly lost personal ambition over the course of time and must have thought that his life would end as a lowly shepherd. He didn’t realize that God had spent eighty years getting him ready to deliver the Israelite's from their bondage and become the leader of a new nation.
Sermon Outline:

THE ORIGIN STORY OF JESUS Part 14: When All Seems Lost
RLJ-1802 -- APRIL 4, 2021

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