Primrose Lace Summer Shawl *Purple Lamb Fiber Arts exclusive*

1 year ago

This video tutorial was created exclusively for subscribers of Purple Lamb Fiber Arts and uses her line of artisan indie hand-dyed yarns.

This is for intermediate/advanced crocheters. The primary stitch is treble crochet in a criss-cross pattern. The border uses a combination of a double crochet v-stitch and a picot stitch. Familiarity with these stitches is useful, although I am thorough about explaining them in the tutorial.

You will need three hanks of yarn, and a 6.00mm (size J/10) crochet hook.

I have posted another public video tutorial of the Primrose Lace shawl using a commercial yarn, but there are important differences, and the details of this tutorial are exclusively for Purple Lamb yarn.

Since this was created exclusively for Purple Lamb subscribers, we ask that you not share the link with anyone not on her email list.

A written and photo tutorial to accompany this video is forthcoming.

To order your yarn for this project, visit

If you post photos of your finished project online, such as on Instagram/Facebook, we’d love to see your work! Please tag @figbasketcrochet and @purplelambfiberarts.

You may sell your finished project, but please do not sell this pattern as your own.

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