Building True Confidence: Why Fake It Till You Make It Doesn't Work!

1 year ago

When it comes to building confidence, you will often get advice that is way too shallow and doesn't actually work. You ask someone how do I build up confidence, and they'll tell you to just fake it.

These kinds of confidence "hacks" don't work!

So, how DO you build confidence?

On one hand, the reason why most "confidence building techniques" don't work, is because they don't tackle the root of the problem. Confidence issues generally stem from deeply rooted psychological issues. Low confidence usually isn't the problem, it is the symptom of the real problem.

And so, you need to tackle the actual problem.

"Fake it till you make it" or other tips for building confidence approach things at the surface level, which not turning at all to the deeper problem.

Here's the second thing when it comes to building confidence:

Confidence comes from competence, and what you do with that competence.

To put it bluntly:

If you have no discernable skills, live in your parents' basement, don't have a job, have no study, don't have a social life, are dead broke and not doing anything whatsoever with your life.... low confidence is the only logical feeling!

Without having justified confidence, it's going to be tough as nails!

On the other hand, if you're constantly learning and honing your skills, you're becoming a better version of yourself every single day. At the end of the day, you can look at yourself and be proud! On top of that, your competence is going to lead to more and better accomplishments.

The end result is true confidence!

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