The Hotel New Hampshire (1984): Final Scenes

1 year ago

Final scenes from the movie "The Hotel New Hamphshire" based on the book by John Irving.


But this is what we do: we dream on, and our dreams escape us almost as vividly as we can imagine them. That’s what happens, like it or not. And because that’s what happens, this is what we need: we need a good, smart bear. Some people’s minds are good enough so that they can live all by themselves – their minds can be their good, smart bears. That’s the case with Frank, I think: Frank has a good, smart bear for a mind. He is not the King of Mice I first mistook him for. And Franny has a good, smart bear named Junior Jones. Franny is also skilled at keeping sorrow at bay. And my father has his illusions; they are powerful enough. My father’s illusions are his good, smart bear – at last. And that leaves me, of course, with Susie the bear – with her rape crisis center and my fairy-tale hotel – so I’m all right, too. You have to be all right if you’re expecting a baby.

Coach Bob knew it all along: you’ve got to get obsessed and stay obsessed. You have to keep passing the open windows.

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