(June 17th-July 17th) Gemini New Moon Cycle 'Preparing Our Minds for MAJOR Paradigm Shifts'

1 year ago

We now enter the 3rd month of the current eclipse cycle...all about 'Pioneering Radically New Ways Forward', this time with a focus on PREPARING OUR MINDS FOR MAJOR PARADIGM SHIFTS.

The Gemini New Moon cycle will be running from June 18th to July 17th; half way through (in two weeks time) we have the Capricorn Full Moon, which will be bringing in the breakthroughs. With a square to Neptune, the Gemini New Moon calls us to 'tune in intuitively and with great discernment' in preparation for paradigms that will be shifting with the Capricorn Full Moon....keeping in mind that REALITY IS NOT WHAT IT SEEMS, and that it will take some time for us to gather the 'pieces to the puzzle'.

Venus will be entering its Pre-Shadow phase on July 19th, throwing an additional 'wrench into the mix', especially when it comes to using discernment (in a moon cycle that will already be bringing in quite a lot of confusion, distraction and misinformation). Venus in Leo will bring out the 'attention-seekers', all too ready to step in the spotlight with 'know-it-all' mindsets, however those willing to take courageous inward stands will be better positioned to read-in-between-lines as well as the needed support to prepare for upcoming paradigm shifts.

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Wishing everyone a Blessed Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse!

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