The Who Treaty and COVID Origins, Renz Was Right Again (Part 1)

1 year ago

Jun 16, 2023

Every day we are continuing to find out how we were right on everything. The WHO treaty is being pushed by Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari and other sick globalist monsters. It's all about control, they want to control global health and are pushing this with every intent for it to happen. The UK Times published an article on COVID origins and what happened at the Wuhan lab weeks before COVID. It regurgitates everything we've been putting out for the past two years, Fauci and our DOD funded gain of function research at the Wuhan lab, and EcoHealth Alliance did their bidding. We know they were creating bioweapons, and we know they've lied to us about everything. If Fauci's mouth is moving, he's lying. So at what point do we stop going along with the narrative that COVID was released accidentally, do we really think this was all an accident? #COVID #TheWHO #BioWeapon #TheTomRenzShow #RenzRants #Truth #WEF #GainOfFunction

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