Durham Report: Resistance to Clinton Foundation Probes Contrasts Treatment of Trump Campaign

1 year ago

(S2241 full video https://youtu.be/-4HA7P6vzK8 ) According to a footnote in Durham’s Report, the FBI’s Little Rock Field Office was reviewing information concerning the Clinton Foundation, which Durham described as “a narrative describing multiple funds transfers, some of which involved international bank accounts that were suspected of possibly facilitating bribery or gratuity violations.” Three different FBI field offices opened investigations in January 2016 into possible criminal activity involving the Clinton Foundation. But the investigations were met with immediate resistance from FBI Leadership. FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe demanded that the Clinton Foundation investigations be shut down and a mysterious “cease and desist” call was placed on behalf of FBI Director Comey. The investigations were ultimately folded into the New York Office, but for some reason the U.S. Attorneys' offices in the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York both declined to issue subpoenas - despite having previously expressed support for the investigation. Meanwhile, FBI headquarters had already opened a full-blown, formal investigation into the Trump campaign on nothing more than fabricated rumors.

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