9/11 THE BIGGEST LIE 26 - Illuminati President, by James Easton, Feb 2023

1 year ago

This is one of my best works. I pulled together pieces of my previous work and formed a damning claim that George Bush was instrumental in 9/11 happening. I show the 2015 claim I made that the plane hole damage was by design. I give 3 concrete examples of how this was achieved, and I talk about how we are all lying to each other about our own lives and the world paradigm. I talk about the 3 world wars by 33 degree mason Albert Pike set forth as the plan for the past 2 world wars and the 3rd world war that we are currently in. This movie exhibits the Fibonacci Golden Design as 100% proof that the damage to the towers proves there were no aircraft hitting them. It was a design. They had the money (2.3 TRILLION) to persuade people to lie about seeing planes, and they used crude compositing methods to insert CGI airplanes into the live video and subsequent footage. Uploaded by James Easton June 17th 2023, Running time: 108 Minutes.

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