#7 The Adventures of Princess Oatmilk Latte | Piano Music

1 year ago

My new roommate started calling Oatmilk Latte “Princess”. I thought it was really sweet. I like when people fall in love with Oatmilk. She’s different than Mr. Sunshine.

Mr. Sunshine is easy to love. He’s very dog-like in his mannerisms. Always wants to say hello or play or cuddle. Whereas Oatmilk is reserved and quiet and self-sustaining. When she wants to be pet, it feels like an honor to be chosen (very cat-like).

What’s more, I didn’t intend to have Oatmilk come with me when I moved. In Brooklyn, when my roommate and I originally talked about the cats, Mr. Sunshine was mine and Oatmilk was his. So, Oatmilk and I didn’t have as tight of a bond, and I certainly felt it when I moved across country with the two cats.

She didn’t train as easily as Milo. In fact, she paid no attention to me when I told her for the twelfth time to stop knocking over the trashcan. It took a while to learn how to communicate with her, and now we’re good buds. She even knows a few tricks now.

When I see her get all the attention from others, it makes me smile. She’s the princess. Princess Oatmilk Latte.

#pianojourney #piano #music #livemusic

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