Day #1,057 ~ #broniesworld Thirsty Thursday with Lany Sharp

1 year ago

Day #1,057 ~ #broniesworld ~ Thirsty Thursday with the sweetheart and huger of our industry the gorgeous Lany Sharp, enjoying retirement her way!
Yesterday I chatted with my youngest guest ... today I chat with my third eldest guest .... (Doc Wallach being my second eldest, and my 100 year old cousin my eldest thus, far) however, this industry wise Lany and Doc Wallach are the two eldest thus far, yes we have older ones ... showing age is no barrier ..
In this industry no one says, you have to stop doing what you love doing just because you reached a certain age ... or not yet reached a certain age ... proving why this industry is the fastest growing industry in the world, for all ages, all professions, all walks of life, young and old ... and most of all doesn't discriminate
Lany shares her story on why and when she started her business, why, even though her and her husband are in their 70's they still love what it is they do, showing Age is no barrier ... and gives a few tips for us this Thirsty Thursday on releasing that unwanted weight and all other things unwanted ... toxic things in your life that could be holding you back from becoming all you truly want or could be
And how, even though they live remotely, they do truly live in the middle of nowhere, they happen to live on a highway that goes everywhere ~ thus, often have folks driving by that call in or call them to say they will be driving by and honk their horns ... particularly their trucker friends, who really can't stop
Here I was in gorgeous sunshine (although now pouring rain) and Lany is have -40 something Fahrenheit temperatures and snowing .... showing you can do business anywhere, anytime, any temperature at any age
Without me sharing more, come listen in on my chat with the beautiful Lany that everyone in this industry loves and why she is enjoying retirement her way
Oh and did I mention they have 3 children, 10 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren
#bgloriousu #becauseyoumatter #retirement #enjoylife #family #grandchildren #liveinthemoment #country #countrylife #life #countryliving #highwaytoeverywhere #roadtrip #highway #roadtoeverywhere #industry #sidegigs #kids #workingmum #betterhealth #hugs #fortheloveofothers #hummanity

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