Why Are Minerals a Key to Health?🤔

1 year ago

Why Are Minerals a Key to Health?🤔

It depends on the type of minerals.

They are three types of minerals:

1️⃣ Metallic Minerals - It is hard to absorb rocks. Should you? Body can only absorb 8%

2️⃣ Chelated Minerals – Are metallic minerals that are coated with protein & amino acids. They are manufactured. The body can only absorb 30%.

3️⃣ Colloidal Plant Derived Minerals – They are organic prehistoric plant matter. The plant processes and absorbs the minerals from the soil. They are the smallest forms that are easily absorbed. It is 98% bioavailable.

With the Colloidal Plant Derived Minerals, you will notice natural energy⚡ homeostasis and so much more.☺️

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