Scooter(36) 2ndBeach Eng.Bay My Music Choices. Always Read Descriptions (1440p60fps) (20:04) June 16, 2023

1 year ago

(36) 2nd Beach Eng.Bay My Music Choices. Always Read Descriptions (1440p60fps) (20:04) June 16, 2023

The beginning of this clip is of a small herd of the little understood, long-legged ankle-biters. All appear to be carrying their escape backpacks anchored to their backs as they via for their freedom.

They manage to sprint, walk, waddle, run, dance and prance for freedom from their daily indoctrination prison aka SCHOOL. One is even seen elegantly prancing for safety and freedom, wings fully spread and flapping for lift. For just a moment I thought this specimen got some lift, but I wasn't sure?

But alas, they all get rounded up again at the sound of a food bell. (the best way to catch one of these strange species is just ringing a food bell, they'll creep out from every crack at the sound of the food bell.)

They'll try their version of the great escape again on Monday, I'd expect, unless they get paroled for the summer? Everyone needs time off from constantly corralling these strange creatures.

They speak in strange tongs only they can understand and are known to wear pants that are way too big, or way too small for them and sometimes are falling down as they try to walk.

They can often be seen with one hand on the waistband trying to keep them from dropping to their ankles in public while holding their iToys in their other hand.

A very strange species of two legged meat bags to be sure. Records show they do eventually grow out of this odd behavior, but it takes YEARS.

This is a very dangerous and little understood species of two legged meat bags, typically and/or also known as teenagers.
Beware of them, you have been warned! (grins)

Very quiet again today for mid-June, but it was cloudy with very sparse sunny breaks, a bit of wind and temps were running in the low to mid 70s(F)

Notice my Velociraptor on the lower right side, sticking his head out? I re-named him 'Draco'. Think of me as all saddled up riding my Velociraptor, and he clears a path for me with his roar, or clicks, or chatters, or whatever sound they made when they ruled the world.?
Enjoy the ride and the music.

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