Natural Chick Feed

1 year ago

A video clip showing you an all natural option, which baby chicks love waaaaaaay more than anything storeboughten.

/ WARNING, to those of you who may be squeamish /

If you have a natural / old school lifestyle, or are trying to create one for yourself.... take your butchering scraps, put them aside. Nature will do the rest, via innoculating with maggot larvae. Your chicks will be "fat & happy" because of it 😃

One thing I've learned is, "to keep life simple", using Mother Nature as your guide. Fighting nature, is a never ending battle, which "you shall NEVER win". It's also why I do not believe in peace, nor veganism... Seriously, if you can't even have it within your own body (the human digestive system is a very violent place), don't expect in in real life... especially when it comes to the subject of "survival".

Other than that, have a wonderful day, and happy poultry raising to you and yours .

Wildernessgal M

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