People act as the CCP’s proxies need to carefully examined

1 year ago

06/15/2023 Nicole on Wayne Dupree Podcast: People who are voting no to important resolution or bills that seeks to root out the American sellout, and also the people who have been acting as CCP’s proxies, they need to be carefully examined, Congressman George Santos introduced the GUO Act of 2023 to provide more stringent compliance, standard on the financial disclosure of the public servant. This is a very important act to root out the CCP’s proxies and American sell out within the federal government agencies, including those serving we the people in the Capitol Hill.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
06/15/2023 妮可参加韦恩·杜普里播客(Wayne Dupree Podcast): 对清除卖美贼的决议或者法案投反对票的人,以及充当中共代理的人,都需要被严格审查。桑托斯议员推出《2023郭法案》以对公务员财务披露提出更严格的要求,这是清除联邦政府机构和国会山内部卖美贼和中共代理的一部重要的法案。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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