JAR - A look at the WONDERFUL land of MAGA-donia

1 year ago

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It's not a misspelling of the ancient Roman province of Macedonia. It's also not a martial art..
Lately there's been some chatter among conservatives in the Twitter space having fun with a fictitious place called 'MAGA donia'. Pictures with this hashtag are often posted of Trump supporters in various settings resembling a simpler time. A time when you could still walk and talk freely without fear, wear what you want, and maybe even have a drink or ten out at the beach.
Sounds a lot like pre 2020. The B.C. era, if you will.
The Venn diagrams floating around that show a 'you are here' text in the middle serve as a somewhat humorous reminder of the creeping totalitarian nightmare heading to the U.S. and depict dystopian classic novels; 1984 by George Orwell, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, but forget to include one very special novel about the negative impacts of collectivism and socialism by Ayn Rand.
Atlas Shrugged.
Written in the late 1950's the book not only perfectly articulates the situation that the biggest drivers of industry and wealth find themselves in now under the diversity, equity, and inclusion social credit system but it also vividly depicts a disenfranchised group of individuals that retreat from society at large to unleash the energy and genius necessary to create a new parallel economy, all while watching the system they once helped lift up crumble to the ground.
And that's us today. The silenced majority. As evidenced by the emergence of new social media platforms, the boycotts of Bud Light, Target, and others, and renewed efforts to reinstate Faith, Family, and Freedom back into our institutions, all may not be lost.
While we may not be the wealthy socialites that Ayn Rand wrote about in her novel, the woke corporate elites who believe their own hype (so to speak) are still choosing, intentionally or not, to ignore the large portion of Americans who never paid much attention to pandemic restrictions in the first place, and who still believe in right and wrong, and who ultimately long for the mythical, magical land of MAGADONIA.
#jamesanthonyreport #aynrand #maga
Truth Social:
Episode 2 (Partial) Transcript:
Believe it or not... Donald Trump isn't the first to use the slogan Make America Great Again.
Yet it was the socialite from New York, the entrepreneur extraordinaire, that made this idea somehow believable and attainable for the average middle American worker.
The memetically challenged leftists and baby boomer majority that occupy Wall Street, Big Tech, and Big Government ignore the fact that millennials under the age of 40 have already lived thru Y2K, 9/11, 2 major recessions, and a plague.
Taken at face value, big deal right? The greatest generation, they'd tell you, had it far worse. And that may be the case. But if you zoom out a bit you'll notice the pattern observed by writers William Strauss and Neil Howe in their book The Fourth Turning.
Good times create weak people, weak people make hard times, hard times create strong people, and strong people make good times. Rinse and repeat.
Just ask yourself: do you really think that if the World War 2 generation, those in their 20's and 30's at the time, were alive today any of this nonsense would be going on?
In the wake of Trump's presidency, the political outsider and underdog of 2016, we're now left with a large portion of society starved for truth and looking for answers.
However, instead of the kumbaya moments the above mentioned calamities produced (with the exception of Covid and probably because of it) we've retreated further into our respective corners.
One of these corners is the wonderful world of MAGADONIA. But where is it? Where is this place?
No, it's not a martial art, or an Outkast album. You won't find it on television or in theaters. Don't bother searching the streets of Southside
Chicago or the CHOP zones in Portland either.
Instead, pick up a copy of the Ayn Rand classic Atlas Shrugged and read it. Or read it again if you already have.
While you won't find tales of hot babes in red, white, and blue bikinis rollerskating around and openly carrying AR 15's while drinking and laughing and... nevermind.
But what you will find is the almost mirror image of the current state of affairs playing out in a story written many decades ago. One in which the wealthy; the biggest generators of jobs and income in society, begin to question the collectivist attitudes of the government and who ultimately
go on strike, to watch the whole socialist thing collapse.
And that's what we've done. Us regular people.

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