Grand Order of the Dragon - Khan In Satanic Service

1 year ago

"Then war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. The dragon and his angels also fought but he could not prevail and there was no place for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was thrown out - the ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the one who deceives the whole world. He was thrown to earth and his angels with him."

- Revelation 12:7-9

When it comes to the spiritual world; not much is known. This is even more true when it comes to the kingdom of the Satan. If you're thinking there's a typo, the actual translation in the original Biblical language is "the Satan." The entity we know as "Satan," never has embraced it as a name.

Satan is actually a title, which means accuser or adversary. In the culture of the region in which the Bible was written; it was customary to use professions as a name. There are a few instances where Western societies practice similar behavior. Elected officials such as presidents; they are often addressed by their position. It isn't their name but it is used as such.

This same usage of titles as names is true of the usage of satan. It would be no different if instead of using satan and replacing it with the word "the Enemy." Unfortunately, as a result of poor academic study, the word satan had evolved from a title used as a name to eventually the assumption it is the name.

Among academics, there's a debate as to why the actual name was never revealed in the Bible and no it's never been Lucifer either. According to some, God never reveals the Satan's name so that entity's name is never honored by humans.

Think of how the word Lucifer has been placed in a position of high esteem, by some. The other school of thought, has a similar perspective; God prevents humans to have intimate knowledge with the Satan. By hiding the identity, there's no means a person can actually be certain they are dealing with the leader of all evil.

Despite the limited information concerning the other level of existence, there is enough to have a working understanding of their interaction with our world. Much of which can be seen in the video linked below:

It's important to note that the word demonology is not exclusively a Christian term. Demonology is the study of demons. Any religion that has demons within its theology, also has demonology. You can be a Hindu, Muslim, Zoroastrian, etc., as well as be from any other religion in existence. Again, it only requires a belief in demons to qualify. Those that believe in the paranormal but are atheist, could be a demonologist as well.

For some, when they hear the word demonology, they assume it means the worship of demons. That would be completely inaccurate. Demonolatry is the worship of demons.

One of the most important things to know about the Satan and his army; they are not equal to God. They are not omnipresent like God and as such, they are limited to the size and scope of their forces. Since they cannot be at multiple places at once; whatever they are doing in one location; limits their ability to be elsewhere.

This is very important because where we see the Satan actually occupying a person's life; he is attached to a national leader. This indicates that the Satan will go after only "high value targets." Those that are attacked by dark spiritual forces; isn't being attacked by the Satan himself but those under him.

In Revelation 12:7-9, one can clearly see the fall of other angelic beings. They fight along with the Satan and are cast out of heaven. Additional Scriptures about such entities can be seen at: 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6; Matthew 25:41 and Revelation 9:1-11. These fallen beings are often referred to as demons.

Many are familiar with the angelic hierarchy: seraphim, cherubim, archangels and angels. What most aren't aware of is that the Bible also reveals a dark hierarchy: principalities, powers, authorities and demons (Ephesians 6:12).

Within certain Christian groups, there is a separation of terms; where the fallen angels are simply referred to as "the fallen" but those that were once known as Nephilim (Genesis 6:1-4), they are the ones known as demons or also labeled the abominations.

This leads to the ancient pagan deity known as Ba'al. From a secular stand point, he's a creation from the imagination of the people in the area of the Canaanites and the Phoenicians; whose popularity spread out in the region of the East. There wouldn't seem to be a reason to disagree, if a person looked at Ba'al on a superficial level.

Ba'al has been a long running nemesis to God. He has been a "deity" that has plagued ancient Israel by trying to sin against God. When they did, they would usually kill God's servants.

There are many Christians who believe that Ba'al is actually the Satan. The issue with that, Ba'al doesn't reflect any of the Satan's images. The Satan oftentimes leaves clues to his involvement.

The more realistic scenario, Ba'al is the Satan's general (using modern terminology of course). In the Bible, God's love for Israel and her important role on the Earth, is evident. If you're trying to defeat a powerful or high value enemy; you send your best to defeat that opponent.

Moreover, in some sacred pagan temples, there have been discoveries of three images: a dragon, Ba'al and a female goddess. A dark trinity. In addition, the underscore to the point of the Satan using his best combatant:

It's doubtful that Ba'al's name is his given one; back when he was created but one he bestowed upon himself. He embraces the image of the bull and those under his office, is used to destroy his current target, which is America.

Irrespective of those who agree with these conclusions or not; there is a culture war that is going on. A conflict where godly values are trying to get replaced with hedonistic ones. Several resources provide excellent material for education; to deal with this invasion:

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