Gang-stalking in Action : The TikTok Edition on YouTube

1 year ago

Live videos depicting instances of gang-stalking experienced by me, your host, E. I. Smith. All of the videos will be derived from my TikTok page.

How does the infamously brutish and wasteful American military industrial complex factor into gangstalking?

The military industrial complex is a system of purchases (trillions of dollars per-decade) made by the United States federal government to aerospace, defense, and military equipment manufacturing firms. These payments are in exchange for military equipment such as F-16 helicopters F-22 Raptor fighter jets, army tanks, stealth bombers, RPGs, M-16 assault rifles, grenade launchers, cluster bombs, nuclear warheads, body armor, Kevlar, military uniforms, Naval destroyers, satellite and communication systems, radio communication modules, information systems and database management systems, ammunition, mortar and related munitions, elephant knives and similar pointed objects, army bases and facilities, naval aircraft carriers and facilities, air-force bases and facilities, demolition equipment, boot camp training modules, recruiting protocols, test-taking mechanisms and test-score storage modules, global positioning system protocols and equipment, architectural and base-building costs, transportation, military police and related protocols, military lawyers, payments made out for lawsuits, military jailing and incarceration holding facilities and related costs, maintenance of military websites and related world-wide-web presences, the production and marketing of Department of Defense related merchandise, training modules for terrestrial, aircraft, and naval vehicles, DOD recreational and extracurricular on-base activities, commercial advertising and marketing for television, radio, and online recruiting methods, stingray and other location devices, the acquisition and retention of plain-clothes operatives and confidential informants, electronic and communication-based information technology monitoring systems are all a part of of the military industrial complex. Various firms throughout the country sell these equipment and technological items to the United States Federal government in the interest of "national security."

The military industrial complex is a part of the "war industry." The government does long term contracts with manufacturers of these military industrial items. The taxpayer pays for these war machines whether the United States is at war or not. The firms that profit from these contracts with the USA federal government, profit the same way that any for-profit company profits. The more revenues that these military industrial firms raise, the more profits, and the more profits, the more money in the pockets of those commandeering the military industrial ship.

No doubt there are US politicians that profit from these lucrative deals with military industrial suppliers, probably through illicit kickbacks, and wars, whether they be with foreign countries, or the USA's own citizens, as is the case in gangstalking, drive the sales of these military industrial objects to the United States federal government at the expense of the taxpayer.

WW1, WWII, The Korean War, The Cold War, The Vietnam War, The Cuban Missile Crisis, The Persian Gulf War, The Iraq War, the war against Mid-eastern militant groups such as ISIS, ISIL, Al-Qaeda, etc..., all generated billions of dollars for the producers of military industrial equipment which was used by the DOD to fight these wars, conflicts, and skirmishes, creating multi-millionaires of the primary sellers of the war machines many times over.

The United States is not fighting any major wars now and hasn't for over a decade. The military industrial complex and its contract-loving money-collectors are hungry; they're hungry for another military conflict so as to have a need to sell the USA billions of more dollars in military equipment.
Gangstalking is a military operation in conjunction with Department of Justice elements. Gangstalking is very expensive for the USA federal government to prosecute. It is a covert war against every targeted individual. It follows a targeted person 24-hours-a-day 7-days-a-week via vehicle, pedestrian and other personnel, GPS, street-corner and hidden camera surveillance, airplanes/spy-planes, boats and spy-boats, deputized civilians constantly sending signals concerning the targeted individual's whereabouts, interception of cellular phone pings, emails, text messages, phone calls, and voice mails, staying in constant contact using satellite, internet-based, cellular based, and human capital based means with various local, state, and federal law-enforcement and semi-law-enforcement auxiliaries concerning how to contain the targeted individual and etc.... Many of the participants of gangstalking including the law-enforcement and semi-law-enforcement elements do not know that they are participating in clandestine military industrial street-stalking and disruption protocols. eismit

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