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New Earth

1 year ago

This is just a tiny peek at the last year and a half or so. Mostly man made through harp and other methods you can look up patents for. Black projects and more.
The Bible is real. But some of what is written. Can be man made. These are biblical times. But the end, or the new beginning is almost here.
We will learn to love and care for each other and our world. Once again

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Gene Decode said a few years back. If all the dumbs were flooded. The ocean level would go down significantly. People are reporting the ocean has gone down 30 meters. I grew up by the ocean. I know how extreme tides can be. But I have not been back to the ocean for years. (I deeply miss it.) So I can’t confirm any of that. But I wanted to add that to this. Because people are reporting on it. The catastrophic events that have gone on over the last few years truly is beyond shocking. But very few people are putting it all together. And I just scratched the surface in this mix of events. It doesn’t matter that most if not all events were man made. The fact is it is happening. It is biblical. We are here to witness all this. We are here to fight, survive, to help and to love. God bless you whom ever reads this.